Category: Palatability

AFB is focused on clearly understanding the needs of our customers. This includes building expertise on the interaction of our palatant with various diets and processing methods—the foundation of our success in supporting customers.  When it comes to wet pet food, the palatants may be exposed to one or more…

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Michelle Sandau, Ph.D., Director, Research & Development at AFB had the privilege of speaking at Petfood Forum in Kansas City, MO, USA in May. The topic of her presentation was “Specialty pet food formulations: Bridging the gap between emotions and science.” During this presentation, Sandau discussed bridging the gap between…

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AFB International is proud to be a part of this year’s All Pet Food Day and to have the opportunity to train the leaders of the future.  At this virtual conference on August 26th, pet food professionals can get the latest updates on nutrition and processing from industry experts. Cesar…

The pet food industry recognizes that palatants are a main contributor of inorganic phosphorus in a finished cat food. It is also acknowledged it is a challenge to lower the level of phosphorus while maintaining palatability. Scientists at AFB succeeded in developing new feline palatant solutions to address the challenge….

People expend a great deal of effort making food taste good. Is it any wonder that our pets respond to food flavors as well? Not only do we want pets to enjoy mealtime, we want to ensure they’re getting proper nutrition to support a vibrant, healthy life. Our recent video All About…

Creating a product that satisfies a cat’s preference can be challenging. Drivers such as aroma, taste and temperature are important in determining if a cat will prefer a particular food. A cat’s teeth are made for shearing and tearing, thus making kibble texture and size another factor in determining which…

The wet cat food market is dynamic and growing.  New ingredients, product forms and package types make creating palatable wet cat food a challenging task.  AFB International launched a long-term strategic initiative to improve the palatability of wet cat food and help deliver the performance pet parents expect and cats…

AFB International’s recent research on preferences in kibble fat sources and concentrations can be found in the recent white paper titled “Fat Type and Amount: Its Impact on Palatability”. Led by AFB scientist Greg Hibbard, these findings were also presented in a poster session at Petfood Forum. “We wanted to…